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KUNDUZ: A wild assault from Taliban on Kunduz was repulsed by Afghan security powers on Tuesday, authorities said.

Kunduz is a key city in northern Afghanistan that had quickly tumbled to the activists twice before.

Taliban contenders assaulted a few stations of Afghan powers on the edges of the city at around 1:00 am, activating furious battling, a barrier service proclamation said.

"With the help of aviation based armed forces, their assault was repulsed. Eleven Taliban were killed and eight injured," it stated, including that the battling went on for a few hours.

The two sides have more than once conflicted in provincial regions lately, however an endeavor to enter a city like Kunduz is viewed as a genuine heightening.

It follows a presentation by President Ashraf Ghani a week ago to continue hostile negative marks against the agitators, after a string of severe assaults.

The Taliban reacted to the request by vowing to build assaults against Afghan security powers.

During Tuesday's battling, the agitators figured out how to quickly catch an Afghan armed force post, killing one fighter, however it was immediately retaken by security powers, Hadi Jamal, a military representative in northern Afghanistan told AFP.

The Taliban were not quickly accessible for input.

The radical gathering quickly caught Kunduz, a key city not a long way from the Tajikistan outskirt, twice previously — in September 2015 and again precisely a year later.

The most recent assault on the city came a day after the Taliban killed at any rate seven Afghan insight work force in a vehicle bomb assault in the eastern area of Ghazni.

A week ago, shooters raged an emergency clinic in Kabul slaughtering 24, including moms and babies.

That assault, which activated worldwide shock, was trailed by a self destruction shelling at a burial service which executed in any event 32 grievers.

The Taliban denied association in those assaults, despite the fact that Ghani accused the activists and Daesh for the carnage.

Authorities state the ambushes are a piece of the Taliban's undeclared spring hostile.

Savagery has spiked since the Taliban marked an arrangement with Washington in February, under which Washington said it would haul its soldiers out of the nation.

The Taliban have done in excess of 3,800 assaults and murdered 420 regular people and injured 906 since marking the arrangement with Washington, authorities state.