High schooler sensation Billie Eilish as of late moved toward specialists with a grievance that a man is following her.

Police in Los Angeles arrested the man and sent him to New York, the city where he had originated from.

The vocalist said the man who distinguished himself as Prenell Rousseau appeared at her home multiple times.

As indicated by most recent reports, Billie Eilish's home has been obscured on Google Street View after she got the controlling request against the man.

She had recorded grumbling asserting that the man distinguished as Prenell Rousseau fired appearing again and again at her home.

The vocalist said that the 24-year-elderly person started appearing not long ago and rang the doorbell.

When her dad inquired as to whether he could support him, Rousseau replied, "I figure I may have an inappropriate house, however does Billie Eilish live here?"

Her father offered the response in negative yet without much of any result as the man kept appearing.

TMZ revealed that on the grumbling recorded by the vocalist, Rousseau was arrested twice this week yet specialists disclosed to her that there was nothing they could do in light of the fact that intruding is a peaceful offense.

Police additionally said that they are attempting to keep peaceful guilty parties out of jail due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The man is said to have been sent to New York, where he lives, yet Billie Eilish fears he will return.

She has mentioned a controlling request for herself and her folks.